Day-time travel

Travel is always invigorating, if occassionally somewhat exhausting. Long-distance buses can be particularly exhausting. I also find them frustrating. I love buses. They’re a great way to see the world. Sadly, buses service in South Africa is limited. Although there are several bus lines, they all seem to run services only at night. Nights are nice. They can be really pretty. But they’re not great for seeing the country. The bits of the country the bus passes through in daylight are beautiful. I suppose part of the reason it is so beautiful is the time of day – dusk and dawn are magical times of day. The wheat-fields glow golden in the early morning sun streaming through the clouds. But I miss being able to see the country I’m passing through. I remember one trip through the Karoo during the day. I was travelling on specially chartered bus (we were off to an event). We left Cape Town in the morning and travelled all day. It was a beautiful opportunity to see the Karoo. It’s a part of the world I love – wide open spaces stretching to the horizon.

*goes in search of buses that travel during the day* Or trains…