Made of fail

I should have know. I did know, I suppose. Or at least I anticipated. I thought it was too good to be true. But I let myself believe. Rookie mistake.

This blog was started to chronicle my Russian adventure. I was supposed to be flitting off to Moscow in January to go and spend a year teaching English in the winter wonderland country I’ve always longed to visit. It was all on track. I was just about to confirm flights and visa. The letter I was waiting for even arrived. Stupid of me to think that that might mean that I could relax and enjoy the anticipation. Stupid, stupid.

Contractions in the Russian economy, global financial crisis, the actions of stupidly irresponsible American and international governments in not curbing reckless lending which have made it impossible for ordinary, responsible businessess to stay in bussiness, etc. etc.

Sorry but your ideal job in your dream country which has been the one thing that has kept you from seriously contemplating suicide for the past four months is really just a silly dream and would never actually come true.

Made of fail.