High Diving: A particularly intense theatre piece that combines excellent acting and characterisation with music and shadow-puppetry to leave you breathless. I felt it was a little heavy on the silhouettes and music, especially in the first half, and way too many scene changes but overall an excellent piece and well worth seeing.
Symphony Concert: The older I get, the more I appreciate classical music. This symphony concert, to a sold-out house and conducted by the inimitable Richard Cock, was gorgeous. The orchestra was the Cape Philharmonic. They began with Reznicek’s Donna Dianna Overture, followed by Schumann’s Piano Concerto in A Minor, with it’s lovely conversation between piano and woodwind. And then the glorious New World symphony, performed by, among others, 18 violins. There are many people in the world who actively dislike classical music. I wonder why?
Friday’s plans include comedy, opera, a lecture and a ballet. should be another good day.